I fossili marini del Vallin Buio (Livorno) [lingua inglese]


In the present paper the occurrence of marine fossil malacofauna in a Plio-Pleistocenic section from Vallin Buio (surroundings of Livorno) is described. Three different mollusc associations are present. The oldest one is typical of the Italian Lower Pliocene, the other two, are characteristic of the Upper Pleistocene fauna. Specimens, sometime poorly preserved, are not numerous for each section, but all the identified species are compatible with the respective fossil
associations. The fossil malacofauna in the calcarenitic level referred to the Upper Pleistocene shows a remarkable affinity with the biotic component of the posidonietum biocenosis.



KEYWORDS: Pliocene; Upper Pleistocene; molluscs; posidonietum; Vallin Buio; Livorno


Tratto da: Alessandro Ciampalini 1, Maurizio Forli 2, Andrea Guerrini 1, Franco Sammartino 1, "The marine fossils malacofauna in a Plio-Pleistocene section from Vallin Buio (Livorno, Italy)", in Biodiversity Journal, 2014, 5 (1): 9–18

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